Saturday, January 17, 2009

This Weeks Excitement!

Well, first of all, Jace is acting a little interested in being potty trained! YAY!!! He will only sit on his potty if he has one of his trucks or cars in his hand. This was taken at the beginning of the week and he actually went!!!! It was so cute - he was really proud of himself - and so was his mother!!! :) Lets hope this keeps up!
Then, Kate got her fingernails painted. It is very easy to do this as long as she is in a very deep sleep. If shes not......forget it! It always looks so cute!

This is our sweet little Kate smiling! She is such a happy baby (thank goodness!) and has the cutest smile. :)

And last but not least................ Here are the two "hell on wheels" twins. Jeff got something delivered this morning from UPS for work and Jace and Kamree took the box. It is so true that kids are happy just with a simple brown cardboard box - forget about the toys you spend a fortune on! Anyway, they took the box and when I left the room, they were simply putting their cars and barbies in it - harmless! Then when I came back, they had taken the box into the hallway by their rooms (hiding from Jeff and I, I'm sure). I looked over at the silverware drawer in the kitchen that was wide open. Then I turned the corner to find them, and what do you know, they both had knives and spoons and were trying to carve holes in the box! Kamree even dressed up for the occasion while Jace decided to take his pajamas off. If you look close, Kamree is wearing a princess dress up. Anyway, I about had a heart attack! Before I took the knives away, I just had to get a picture of them. They have a bad history with knives. Last summer, they took some knives and poked holes in 3 of my new kitchen chairs - the seats on the chairs are upholstered - so they were using it like pin cushions! Just for the record they did this while I tried to sneak 5 minutes and take a shower. When I got in, they were quietly watching a show. Don't worry, nobody needs to call child protective services on us. We don't let our kids play with knives, matches maybe, but not knives! They just are our little trouble makers. What can I say?


Ashley said...

we so need to get together and let the kids play. I love the poopy song. I think he might have a chance on american idol. I love the stories about your kids. Church is so hard...I might have to try the counting steps trick. Love yah

Carrie said...

I've got to come see the new little diva, the new basement, the new lifestyle of 4 kids. :)

Carrie said...

p.s. I love your new blog background!

ELI said...

JJ will thank you one day for posting those pictures.

Emily said...

Anytime someone write "they have a bad history with knives..." I start to worry!!!=)