Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a great Easter! The kids were all excited as always - even Jace, who I don't think knew quite was going on! They had an Easter egg hunt at my parents house on Thursday, and then had another one Sunday at Jeff's parent's house. They got a TON of candy! From the Easter Bunny, Kaylee got a Hannah Montana puzzle and some nail stickers and of course CANDY, Kamree got sidewalk chalk and finger paints (which I'll regret later, I'm sure!) and of course CANDY, Jace got a cute magnetic tractor book and a bubble set and of course CANDY, and Kate got some binkis and some bows and of course NO CANDY!

Here are some pictures of the kids at Easter dinner and their egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Bell's house on Sunday. I had to work, but they had a blast!

~~~~~Kaylee and Kate~~~~~ ~~~~~Eri and Dehlila~~~~~
Kamree, Ben, Gage, Ari, Jace, Kate, Kaylee, Eri, and Dehlila
~~~~~Kaylee and Kate~~~~~

~~~~~ Oldest and Youngest~~~~~

Easter is always fun ~ except for the gallons of candy that is just laying around the house ~ that is very tempting! I am always glad when the last piece of candy is gone!!! Jeff is gone out of town again for a while, but we were glad he didn't have to leave until after Easter!


Emily said...

Don't you just love Easter...dresses...girls!I guess that's why I have four of them!=)

Camille Schmidt said...

Cute kids! I know exactly what you mean about the candy! I want it all gone.... I guess that's why I'm eating it as fast as I can!

Carrie said...

Those are some seriously cute kiddos!

Krishelle said...

We missed you on easter but it looks like the kids had fun!