Saturday, September 27, 2008

I've been tagged!

3 Joys
My family!
Diet Pepsi!
When my kids are good in public!
3 Fears
That I will leave the iron on when I leave the house.
That my 5 year old will tell her teacher that she in not the boss - the principal is!
The Disney movie "FANTASIA".
3 Goals
Finish the basement!
To become a morning person (if thats possible).
To be a better mom.
3 Current Obsessions
The Office (because it just started up again YAY!)
My family members! (That sounded scary, but I just like to know where everyone is and what they are doing AT ALL TIMES ha ha ha - watch your back!)
Clean baseboards! Have you ever noticed how dirty baseboards get? Mine are driving me crazy! I think I have a little OCD about it all. No matter what I do, they will NEVER be clean all the way! I am ready to rip them out and replace them!
3 Random or Surprising Facts About Me
I have a medical degree - at least thats what Kaylee thinks (she tells everyone that her mom is a doctor because I work in an Urgent Care).
When I was a little girl, I always wanted to grow up and have 10 kids and 2 big black dogs......WHAT? I was a weird little girl.........and now I'm a weird big girl.
Sometimes if nothing else is on tv, I secretly will see what is on the Lifetime Movie channel. Eli is totally going to disown me for that one. But if you are ever bored, it is really funny to just read all of the titles of the movies that they play on that channel. It is more like a hobby than actually watching the shows! And the "acting" is really good.............


ELI said...

"Mother call the news! The police are about to break into our house!"

My favorite lifetime movies of all time are probably "Too Young To Be a Father", "Stranger in my Bed", "16 and Pregnant", and "My Breast".

I totally forgot about your fear of "Fantasia."

The Bell Family said...

Eli, I believe that the correct Lifetime movie title is "15 and Pregnant", not "16 and Pregnant". I can see that we may need to have you over for a Lifetime Movie Marathon.
The movie that is on right at this very moment is "Down Will Come Baby", now that sounds good..........I better go!

Krishelle said...

It's a joy for all of us when your kids are good in public!!

Also, I am afraid of that movie Fantasia too. IT's creepy. What was Disney thinking??

And....You are a good mom!! A great mom!!

And I remember when you were going to medical school. It was a really hard time because you were trying to balance the 10 kids and 2black dogs.

Uncle Will said...

I'm so glad to know that you are afraid of "Fantasia" because I am, too! I never understood what that whole movie was about (and I still don't). It looked like the devil to me.

You are THE BEST mom in the world! Right now on Lifetime is "Identity Theft: Michelle Brown" -- the story of a school teacher whose life becomes a nightmare when her identity is stolen. Don't worry, I'm not missing it -- I'm recording it so I can watch it 50 times back to back this weekend. If you want to come and watch, too, just let me know. You can bring your kids and we'll leave them in the back yard with the dogs and maybe Kamree can train them for me.


Emily said...

Way to go on the blog, you've been busy. So don't freak out but you look so much like your mom in some of your pictures, I've never noticed it before! Your kids are so cute.Em

The Bullocks said...

I love all of your posts. they totally make me laugh. (I can so relate to you) and I love Eli's comments.
so ya I think we should reincarnate the macadoodles. I miss those days. I have tried to get into this food storage stuff, I don't really know what I'm doing but it's fun figuring it out, and It makes me feel like maybe I'm doing something right. we should for sure get together and share ideas.