Monday, January 12, 2009


Who knew our little boy had such talent! His favorite word to say is "poopy" or "poopy head". He always gets in trouble for saying it, but he could care less! He truly is all boy in his terrible 2's. Anyway, he made up this little song the other day. I always say to him : "Jace, we don't say poopy!" So that is what the song is all about! Also, when you call him Jace, he says: "No! I'm J.J!" Its pretty funny! :)


Krishelle said...

So cute! I am certain he only made up this song so that he can say "poopy" and not get in trouble for it!

Jeff and Bridgette Metcalfe said...

ha ha ha! Your kids come up with the funniest things! And you are the cutest mom!! I don't know how you do everything you do!

Lindsey said...

He is so cute! That is hilarious! He is so funny!