Monday, January 12, 2009

A Real Daddy!

So yesterday was Sunday and our church has changed to 11 - 2. This is my favorite church time! It still is quite the ordeal for Jeff and I to not only get ourselves ready, but to get 4 kids dressed, hair done, shoes on (and hope they stay on), coats on, a bag of things to hopefully make the kids be good in Sacrament, and a diaper bag with diapers, wipes, formula, burp rag, blanket etc. I always tell people it takes us 4 hours to get ready! Okay, so that's an exaggeration, but it still does take us probably at least 2 hours on Sunday. You know how Jeff is, he just takes his time with his hair!!! Ha Ha! Anyway, I got up and made waffles for everyone for breakfast. It was kind of sad because my kids had looks of total amazement on their faces as I was making them. I realized it was because we always buy the Eggo waffles that you pop into the toaster. We were out of those yesterday morning and they of course wanted nothing else other than waffles. I explained to them that it is in fact possible to make waffles ourselves and then had to convince them that they would probably taste better than the ones we can buy - especially if I made them! :) They did like the waffles - and I decided I better start taking the time every once in a while to make things instead of just buying them!!! Well we got off to church and by the time we got there we were about 5 minutes late - BIG MISTAKE!! There was literally nowhere to sit. I hate being late! So we had to sit out in the foyer with our 4 kids. We were exhausted by the time Sacrament ended. Our kids were turning lights on and off, touching the baby, trying to lay all over the baby, fighting, driving their cars on the walls, and leaning against pictures. Finally, I told Kaylee to grab Kamree and Jace by the hand and take them on a walk all the way down the hall and back. It actually worked! After they did this about 10 times, Kaylee said she wasn't doing it anymore because it was really boring! So then I threw in a little twist - I told her to count how many steps it takes to get down to the other end. You should have seen the excitement on her face - really. She immediately did what I told her. FYI: It takes 6040 (?) steps from one end of the hall to the other! (I know all of you were wondering). Anyway, we were both shocked when we took the kids to their classes and........wait for it..........NOBODY CRIED!!!!! It was amazing! After church we hurried home and then I hurried out the door to do some long overdue visiting teaching. Then I hurried home for our home teachers. The picture at the beginning of this post is what I saw when I came in the door - how cute, I just love it!!! Our kids really do love their dad. He is truly a fun and loving dad. After our home teachers, we then hurried to finish getting Jeff ready to go out of town again. Then we all drove him to the airport. he was going to drive, but its always nice to really see him off and to have a nice conversation on the way there. the kids always like going to the airport as well. Jace kept saying the whole way : "Dad, I wanna go wit you on the airplay." He especially misses Jeff when he has to go out of town. Poor kid, he gets left with all the girls! When he gets older he can call and talk to uncle Eli who went through the same thing and he turned out great! :) We all hate when Jeff has to go out of town, but at the same time we are grateful for a good job and for his willingness to work hard for our family. We know it is hard on him as well. Theres not much more excitement here. Just the same old stuff. Kaylee is off track and I think is more than ready to go back! Jeff and I will be having our 7 year anniversary on February 5th. I sure hope Jeff is planning something fun........hint hint...........J/K.


Krishelle said...

WOW! You must have a really church house! 6040 steps that's amazing...and I wasn't sure Kaylee could even count that high!

Love the post and love the new background and new music....where did you find all of it ;)!

Unknown said...


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