Monday, March 9, 2009

I've kept you all in suspence for too long...........

We had parent teacher conference a few weeks ago and we are SO proud of Kaylee - even if she has to put her head down every other day! :) J/K She is such a good girl! I know you can't see the picture of her progress report very well, but she is doing such a great job in everything and is reading above average. It is funny though - when she is reading and she comes across the word "as" she says "ass". Too funny! We just love having her in our family! She is such a good big sister. She talks about Kate all the time to her class so they all know that I had a baby. So when I go pick her up from school, at least once a week, one of the little kids in her class comes up to me and says "Congratulations". I was really confused at first as to why they were telling me this and then I realized that even 4 months after having Kate, thats what they were talking about! They are soooo cute! And I think it's cute that Kaylee talks about her sisters and brother to her friends!

Jeff and I were laughing so hard! Kaylee is ALWAYS asking us if she can play a game or watch a cartoon on Jeff's Itouch. So here is a picture of her with the Itouch. She layed down by the baby and called the other 2 kids over so they all could look at it together! I think they are watching a

Spongebob cartoon. They deffinately take after their dad!

Here is what I found one morning after the kids had woken up. They came in our room about 6:00 A.M. I don't know if they went back to sleep or not because I turned a cartoon on for them and I went back to sleep! But when I woke up, Jace had a bowl of chocolate chips! First of all, not a breakfast food! And second of all, the are told about 18 times a day : "WE DO NOT TAKE FOOD OUT OF THE KITCHEN"!!!! Maybe one of these days it will stick! Right now they have selective hearing

YUMMY! Kamree looks mad in the background! I think she was jealous!

Notice that he made sure to use his Lightning McQueen bowel. He will not eat a meal unless it is in that specific bowel.

We blessed Kate in February and it turned out really nice. She looked beautiful and was such a good and happy baby that day! We had everyone over to the house afterwards for lunch and it was really fun to have everyone over. I'm horrible though! I forgot to take pictures until the very end! And at that point most people had already left! I swear I'm losing brain cells!

Uncle Eli and Kate

Mom and Kate

Dad and Kate

Aunt Krishelle


Krishelle Kate!!! :)

This is Jace the morning of the blessing. I woke up really early to make sure that everything was ready for the blessing. I was getting out food and other things to set out on the tables. Jace woke up and came in with me. I was running back and forth and Jace came down the hallway with a sugar cookie he had stolen off the counter. What a good 6:00 A.M. breakfast! The sad thing was that at that point, I didn't really care!!!!

The "twins" are so cute - and when they get along, it is even better. Here are some pictures of them playing together. This was one week when Jeff was out of town and Jace thought that he needed to clear off the driveway - not with a shovel (because it was too heavy), but with a broom. I thought it was so cute. He likes to feel like he is helping me, especially when Jeff is out of town. When Jeff left this particular time, after he went out the door, Jace came and grabbed my face with his two little hands, looked me straight in the eye and in the most serious voice said "He'll be back, okay mama?" I thought is was hilarious and so sweet that he was worried about how I felt! Even though he is only 2, I can tell that he knows that he is "the man of the house when Jeff is not home! So cute!!!

I don't think he is even wearing shoes in this picture - just socks. Who is his mother?!?!?!?

Looks like that driveway REALLY needed to be cleared off!!!

This is what I found one day a couple weeks ago when I came into the kitchen. Kamree had decided to make some food for lunch.......or something! She had emptied a bag of powdered sugar and mixed some popcorn seeds into it. I'm soooooooooo glad I got in there when I did, otherwise it looks like there would have been : peanut butter, honey, vegetable oil, and formula mixed into it! What a mess! That girl's mind is always thinking of things to do - that she shouldn't be doing! :)





DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Has Kamree been watching the cooking channel? I think she will be a great cook some day.I loved seeing the new picture of the kids.Kate's blessing was so nice and she looked beautiful.

Krishelle said...

That little Kam is such a naughty girl sometimes...I'm glad she is, it keeps us all entertained....I'm sure you don't feel the same.

And Kaylee is such a smart little girl! I am soo proud of her!

Kate is so cute. It's so funny how much bigger she looks now than she did at her blassing!

and JJ is so sweet to try to be such a big helper!

Carrie said...

Your kids crack me up...from afar of course...tears should always be implied when seeing a mess like that! ha ha You are one of the cutest moms out there!

ELI said...

LOVE the pictures!

I think your ability to laugh at all of that is plenty to make you mother of the year.

Camille Schmidt said...

Krisanda I love your blog because it's so real! It's refreshing to see your cute kids doing kid things and you being able to laugh. I think you're a great mom! Your kids are adorable- each one!