Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shower Project!

So Jeff and I have been wanting to tile our shower for the longest time now! But there seems to never be any time to do it! We have had the tile sitting in a closet for about a year and a half now just waiting to be used. It was tile that Jeff got for free from a job that he had worked on and there was a ton of extra tile that the contractor was just going to get rid of - so Jeff took it off their hands which I was so happy about because that saved us a bunch of money right there! We were going to have someone come and do the job for us, but then we decided we shouldn't spend the $ on it at this point and Jeff ended up having a couple days off so we planned to just do it and get it down ASAP! Jeff and I tore all the original plastic out of the shower and off the tub - are you all impressed? Here are 3 pictures after the demo work .

Here are some pictures of the results............... I love it! It turned out very nice! It took about a week and a half. The last few days of the project was just letting the grout and grout sealer dry.
I love the design of the floor! I'm such a dork - Jeff's brother came to help one night, and when I came home from work, he told me that he spent hours piecing together the design around the drain. I believed him at first and then realized it was one big piece that Jeff had bought. They both of course laughed at me!

So nice to have a project checked off the never ending list!!! :)


Krishelle said...

It looks so great!!!

Carrie said...

Have you been busy or what? When you update your blog, you update your blog! The tile looks fabulous, I can't believe Kaylee is 6, boating would be a riot, blood is not fun, did I miss anything? :)